

We insisted that Chas poop before getting on the plane, and this saved our LIVES. The kids and Damon filled the row behind me on the plane, shouting out random data like “Look, Mom! Shit Pile crater!” and “WHOOOOOOOOOAA!” and “Look at me! Look at ME!” as the plane bounced through mile-high white clouds. Really, there was nothing sober about the flight; I think that these pictures just show our fatigue after dealing with the whole waiting-for-Chas-to-poop-while-fearing-he’d-still-wind-up-pooping-on-the-plane period. The flight was nothing but an amped riot and strangely, everyone near us on the plane thought it was all pretty funny. One man lost it when he heard Ford ask Damon,
“Daddy, what’s this button for?”
“Don’t touch that Ford, that’s the Self-Destruct Button.”
Just lost it.

2 Replies to “Waiting”

  1. We’ll miss you!!! I will have to content myself with the notion that we are still part of your lives in some very small way each time I see something like the “travis elementary” shirt make a special appearance on Ford or Chas 🙂 Please let us know where you put your roots down.

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