summer’s end for fall


Now that I’m back, I notice that Leslie has tagged me for a meme. I kind of need to be forced to make a list. This fall is off to a chaotic but downright joyful start, so it’s right to sit down and prioritize.

Gotta start with a fun project. The boys and I are going to hack our way through this book and write about it  πŸ˜‰

Now that the canoe is christened for the season, I want to slip it in here and camp out later here.

And make costumes for them and me. I also want to take the funk up a notch around here, and variations on these would look fantabulous around our house.

The motherf#$ing gophers have me planning my defense, graced with these, finally,
among some of these.

Time to grab a board and suit , finally, and learn. Or die. I’m tired of being curious.

Inevitably, I’ll envision what I’d like to stock a few acres with when we move back to Texas in a few years.

The rest is business as usual. Yadayadayada.

What about you? What’s on your autumnal agenda? And have you been tagged yet (not having been online much lately, I wouldn’t know)? If you haven’t, then here! Now you’ve got the baton.

2 Replies to “summer’s end for fall”

  1. Oooo yummylist Steph πŸ™‚

    That book looks fantastic – we have the Dangerous Book for Boys and cannot wait to start stomping through it. Sorry about the bleeping gophers and – HEY – we better do that get together before you head back to Texas ;)!!!

    Hope things start to smooth and mellow for you any minute!

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