Sticky Situation

breakfast at Ikea

Ikea has the cheapest breakfast outside of the home. In fifteen minutes we can be at the table, dunking french toast sticks into a bowl of maple syrup (not ideal, but Ford’s ideal, which he serves up himself) and feeling the warm sunlight pour through the floor-to-ceiling windows, penetrating the pores, the caffeine from the Swedish coffee slipping instantly into your bloodstream as if by DMSO. The eggs are synthetic but oddly satisfying, since we are always starving and they are always served steaming hot. There are beads of syrup on the table, collecting on their t-shirts, smeared between fingers. I sit there, across the table, sipping my coffee and wondering how they can stand their filth. Judging from the quiet, they couldn’t be more content with it.

Mama says Om.

76 Replies to “Sticky Situation”

  1. good to know. my daughter is quite fond of the 99 cent mac and cheese at ikea although i’d rather stick a straight pin in my eye than deal with the ikea in my neck of the woods. that’s a daddy-daughter kind of day.

  2. *boggles a little at this* I thought Ikea was just a furniture store? We don’t have any around here, so I was just kind of amazed! Can you buy the table you eat at?

    Adorable pictures! Totally looks like sticky hugs afterwards~

  3. we’re IKEA lunch regulars. can’t be beat. I even dragged my husband there for dinner one night–his first IKEA experience. (if only i could be so naive.)
    I always wonder how children can stand being so dirty. do they not even notice? do they enjoy it?

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