Aren’t these just Dandi?
I believe I’ve been inspired to make some aprons for Christmas and for another group:
Sake Monkey
My sewing machine needed a jumpstart so I jumped onto the July Month of Softies bandwagon in the nick of time and created a sock monkey (this month’s theme) out of a pair of Damon’s old boot socks. Guess what? He doesn’t smell funny. Chas thinks he’s charming and likes to snuggle with the toy already. When he is older he might think this is amusing. Why would his mother make a toy out of used men’s socks? Really, there isn’t enough Oxy-Clean and bleach in the world…but look how cute this is:
Want to see all of July’s pedal primates?
For goodness sake, pass the sake
I can’t believe it, and you probably can’t either: we have never hired a sitter to watch the kids. I realized this when we were the only guests in the sushi bar this evening that had about a quart of white rice scattered on the floor beneath our table and from which a preschooler’s voice echoed across the restaurant: “DABBY DOTS OF JELLY! (giggle giggle) SALTY ON MY TONGUE AND YUMMY IN MY BELLY! (ikura) LOOK Daddy! There’s rice on the wall!” But this is us, and these kids are having fun eating fancy with us, being served with luscious glazed pottery and playing with the food-art. And the money we saved for not hiring a sitter pays nicely for two cold bottles of sake. DOWN THE HATCH, HONEY!