37 things to do before I turn 38


  1. family bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge.
  2. build the backyard garden–where the tire swing used to be Done.
  3. build a fort in the pygmy forest
  4. get a press pass
  5. take the kids cross-country skiiing
  6. get the kids on surfboards
  7. get Ford into theater class
  8. donate a painting or photo to a charity Done!
  9. wide angle lens check it
  10. give myself a really good photography challenge
  11. teach the kids how to make guerilla art
  12. not ruin another fancy pants enamel-coated cast iron pot (I’ve proven it’s possible, 3 times over) wow! I did it!
  13. enlarge my favorite photos of us and hang them in the house
  14. record an album with Damon & the kids
  15. learn to play bass guitar
  16. set up a work bench for the kids
  17. shoot a formal family portrait (which turned out nice!)
  18. make something I love with the rest of the $3 bag of vintage fabric
  19. start a sketchblog
  20. take the boys fishing
  21. teach the boys how to care for a pocket knife
  22. hang the tire swing up again
  23. set up a microscope for the kids
  24. find myself an old 35mm camera check it out
  25. develop one – three rolls of film every month
  26. camp in the desert in the springtime (Pinnacles rocks!)
  27. train Ford to swim the length of the pool
  28. develop one thing I really like into a series
  29. restart a yoga practice
  30. surf again
  31. decorate the bedroom
  32. camp in the back yard
  33. film my favorite things
  34. get comfortable photographing strangers
  35. finish a couple of old sets of illustrations
  36. teach Chas to ride without trainies
  37. take the kids to Galveston bay at night, this summer, for some fun with phosphorescence (well, we took them to Tomales)


raised beds!

I have a heavy heart for a mama who is moving and healing, both at the same time. She completely overshadows any of my manic self-deprecating pouts.

Tenacious minds and bodies inspire me, like Nie Nie.

Our dog, Seti, channels this kind of perserverence in the photo above, taken this weekend. He does not accept “no” to a good game of fetch. His ball, slid underneath the new garden beds I built with Damon, represents all the hope a soul can hold onto.

Keep pushing, brave mama.