There are certain landmarks in a baby’s development that must be recorded.
I haven’t remembered to record the day Chas learned to climb the stairs, and stand alone, although it was sometime last month. I know now that he has a working intelligible vocabulary consisting of 6 words: mamamama, dada, dah (dog), bubba (brother), bubba (bubble), and buh (book). He can point when I point and clap with applause and he has a wonderful sense of humor that, these days, spreads great joy and levity. But today, at his girlfriend Sofi’s first birthday party, he impressed all of us by eating dog shit.
As with many milestones, we are often too caught-up in the moment of achievement to capture it on film, but when they are this impressive, such special advances are etched in our brain forever. Sofi’s birthdate, for example, will always be The Day Chas Ate Dog Shit.