7 Replies to “7 :: unfinished”

  1. Well, encaustic does look like one of the funnest art media ever. Who can blame you. This artist’s work with resin always gives me the same I-wanna-try-it feeling: http://www.juliebakerfineart.com/dynamic/artist.asp?ArtistID=30&CategoryID=Mare%20Tranquillitatis%20Series. She draws/scratches/paints/adds stuff to layers of resin. They’re really rich in a way that you can’t see in the online.

    I’ve been thinking about my inner harpy lately — she’s so loud.

  2. Michelle–that’s the great thing about encaustic. I love lots of layers, and this medium is all about the layers. It’s like I’ve found my best fit. Her work is amazing and I’d like to go see a show.

  3. It does look like a fun medium – you paint with it beautifully and the results look good enough to eat! How big is a finished piece?

  4. Well, each one has been between 6×6″ an 8X12″ in an effort to paint a larger surface area, which is something I’d feel more comfortable with. This one is 6×10″, for example. The next one will be bigger than any so far, at 2.5 sq. ft.

  5. Your art and words always inspire me. I have left a little something for you on my blog. Happy New Year and happy painting.

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