

Beeswax and damar resin fumes meandered out the studio door, through the live oaks and onto the lake, while I manically experimented with pottery tools and heat guns. My first encaustic painting class began today at Laguna Gloria., and it was so MUCH FUN.

I think the fumes may have gotten to my head. I drove home smiling at the deer, creeping along the ridge home. I had to get gas as I rounded our block, and found myself drifting aboard the slinking gas fumes, too. Tonight, the olfactory smorgasborg. But I made it home safe! I’m glazed over and staring at the screen, both boys asleep beside me on the bed. They’re angelic in their quiet perfection, framed between us old tired people. Every now and then Chas will flail his arms in dreamscape, eyes pressed shut. As always, he smells like some deep-fried dessert. GOD he smells divine. Hey, where’s the powdered sugar?

5 Replies to “Encaustastic!”

  1. That’s great you started a class. Good for you. Isn’t it amazing when you leave a place or a conversation on such a literal high? That feeling never ceases to amaze me. Excited to see some of you work…

  2. That class does sound awesome. Glad you have the chance to take it. Hooray for classes.

    My cat Zeppo always smells like a Hershey’s chocolate bar.

  3. Funnel cake!! Steph, can you create the perfect candle to capture that scent? You could call it “mommy heaven” 🙂

    I love your creativity~~C

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