Corners of My Home

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This is the newly added little nature corner, a submission for Amanda’s Corners of My Home. I am participating so that I’ll be encouraged to dust and declutter the corners of my home. Actually, this little corner has a little collection of scrambled egg bits under the table that you can’t see in this picture. With clever photography, I was able to conceal it. See? I’m so smart.

Really, though, I don’t think anything can force me to dust and declutter. I was kidding about that. There will be much chaos.

This little nature corner is evolving from a plain white table that was originally intended to be a Little Art Corner. This was before I realized that my boys don’t do art in a little corner, just as they prefer not to pee simply in a toilet; they do it all over: even on the Bella rug. That poor rug.

The table is quickly growing into a little laboratory: here we have blooming shallots, pinto bean sprouts, what used to be a flowering cactus (I need to rotate that out already), a fickle pitcher plant (with button!) and a bowl of fruit that Ford just placed there.

I have big dreams for this little corner. I’m looking for a long but tall aquarium tank for a local stream fauna population (kind of a mini Bull Creek, which is along the hike we take so frequently), a microscope, and a little shelf beside the table for all of our nature books–as if they would all stay on a bookshelf! On the wall: seasonal art. Small shelf for gear: binoculars for a quick peek at the white wing dove, jars for looking at specimens, plant press.

I’ve enjoyed seeing other corners. Go ahead, take a peek!

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