Congress and Sixth

On the walk to dinner, oak boughs bounce with Christmas lights to the sound of rush hour traffic. Lights, everywhere, confuse us all along the way, awakening us: sodium, mercury, halogen, fluorescent, neon. The dark silhouettes of two live oaks frame the facade of ArtHouse like a shadowbox, their branches alive with a congregation of grackles, cackling and cracking.
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2 Replies to “Congress and Sixth”

  1. the “Prosper…” picture would make a beautiful happy new year card and wish for friends/family!

    And…..come to think of it, the “STAT….” when made into a card, would read……”Take time to slow down, and the see world the way it really is……” Great messages for a nurse who needs to see some neon in her life, in the slower lane that is.

  2. You’re one step ahead of me! 🙂
    It’s much harder, and somewhat redundant (now that they are featured in their own blog) to send christmas cards with a portrait of the kids. It’s hard enough to get them to stand still together for a shot! Still, I may try…

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