On the walk to dinner, oak boughs bounce with Christmas lights to the sound of rush hour traffic. Lights, everywhere, confuse us all along the way, awakening us: sodium, mercury, halogen, fluorescent, neon. The dark silhouettes of two live oaks frame the facade of ArtHouse like a shadowbox, their branches alive with a congregation of grackles, cackling and cracking.
the “Prosper…” picture would make a beautiful happy new year card and wish for friends/family!
And…..come to think of it, the “STAT….” when made into a card, would read……”Take time to slow down, and the see world the way it really is……” Great messages for a nurse who needs to see some neon in her life, in the slower lane that is.
You’re one step ahead of me! 🙂
It’s much harder, and somewhat redundant (now that they are featured in their own blog) to send christmas cards with a portrait of the kids. It’s hard enough to get them to stand still together for a shot! Still, I may try…