evening run
evening run, originally uploaded by young@art.
I’ve switched to running in the evenings, now that they’re longer. 4.1 miles of solitude. This is my favorite part of the year, when I can run at evening twilight. The frogs are concentrated in huge creekside communities. To approach them is like coming to a college football game at fourth quarter; they are loud, gregarious and totally in the moment, ringing a million musical cheers at the moonrise.
I love the dark silhouettes hugging the landscape, alive with busy little yellow kitchen windows and spiked with crow-topped tv antennaes and the sound of children playing on dewy grass.
sumi ink on watercolor, Moleskine sketchbook.
sous chef at chez alis
sous chef at chez alis, originally uploaded by young@art.
I took Chas up to Skyline so we could bother my friend Alis on a workday.
Under the hazy sun I sat in the lounge chair while Chas made lunch and Alis took a work call. He wasn’t just making lunch, he was his own Iron chef competition. More complicated than that, even, because it involved acrobatics and small Tonka trucks. After about 45 minutes, he was done, and only after he had told me so, not a minute before.
Nevermind the fact he was playing right beside an actual plot of bolting kale, cabbages and beet greens.
When I brazenly picked up the plant saucer full of broken sticks, he furiously demanded I take the saucer with the crumpled up dandelion greens that had been yanked out of the ground and plunged into the water trough with the drowned bees and rusting scrap metal. I mean, salad.
“NO!” He demanded, “That’s not yours! That’s Alis’.”
There are two particularly delicious sounds that make me happy. One is the low-pitch quiet sound of the barn in the afternoon, when the horses are chomping on grain and hay. I love this lulling sound. The other sound I adore is the high-pitched, little-mouth delicious sound of Chas, pretending he is eating sticks and twigs. So there we had pretend lunch ad afterwards, as he played, I sketched.