SPT, Self Documentary Series #1

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Ford is now in an afterschool program from 3-6pm. It was quiet today even with Chas whining in the background as I did mundane chores, but it was a deafening kind of quiet, and I felt a little out of balance as I putzed the hours away. I missed the din of his bubbly monologues and the nonstop questions, meanwhile wondering whether it’s time I did something new to really make myself happy.

Self Portrait Tuesday

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A picture of Ford and I at a private beach in Rhode Island, summer of 2002. We had fun arranging and eating large round rocks. Aside from the cheesy Hallmark symbolism (you know, time slipping through our fingers yeah yeah yeah), I like this picture because if the Mork reference. Naa noo Naa noo, I wore jeans with rainbow suspenders in third grade. No, really, I did.

Ford officially turned four tonight at 8:11pm. Which means that tonight is also the fourth anniversary of Star Trek Enterprise. I am somewhat embarrassed to say I was actually watching the show’s premier during active labor. How luxurious! compared to the Holy Visceral UnMedicated Shriekfest of Chas’ birth.