Helping Ford hone his sewing skills and temper his anime lust…
…by making, together on a hot afternoon, Pokemon characters of choice…
…and not buying the dreaded cards, or plastic crap from Japan or wherever…
…so he can learn to be resourceful and still have fun.
But…. I have no idea what the hell this thing’s name is. Nor the other one we made today. Bless his heart, I only had patience for two, I’m not gonna lie. I just don’t get the Pokemon thing. Do any of you?
Tomorrow’s Forecast: 95% chance of You’re So Screwed
It is midnight, and I can’t sleep.
Two quiet kittens sit, huddled on the stoop, waiting for me to open the door.
It appears somebody left them.
And it appears the cats have already taken us.
Tomorrow, the children will find them.
And then?