the pace of things this week

, originally uploaded by young@art.

I just posted midspring pictures to Flickr so that, later, when the hot dry blasting winds of summer parch the soil, I can look back to all this green. But you see that background there? That fuzzy, blurry background would indicate the speed of things around here. Actually, make that warp speed.

BUT. Tonight is date night. Black Keys in the city! Not so much a pause but at least some glitter in blur. I’m wearing ma GOLD heels like a Roman goddess and I’m going to spend today running around the house looking or my glittery tights. So. I guess, expect more blur.

30 days in the treehouse, day 5

30 days in the treehouse, day 5, originally uploaded by young@art.

After looking at this for a while, it makes perfect sense why I made this image the say I did: we’ve been feeling totally WOOZY today. All of us ate something *bad* yesterday in Davenport and have been taking turns in the bathroom at all hours every since. This picture really nails how I’ve been feeling.

Plus, the February light is pretty intense, even in the treehouse.

30 Day Sit Spot Challenge

Mustard & Relish


My brand spankin new camera is in the shop. For 6 more weeks. Time to keep playing with the old one! Challenge of the day: Take a picture of Chas in the mustard in the middle of a bright sunshiney day. Can she do it? Did I. I LOVE this picture! Say what you want, but this picture makes me SO happy! It feels hot and cold at the same time, just like spring sunshine on sleepy skin. It will help me remember the mustard in a few weeks, once it’s gone. LOOK at those grubby fingernails! And I froze the moment when Chas handed me two deadheaded mustard blooms, just because. Just because!