Img 2524

Chas enjoys nesting. He would remove this Plumeria if he could, that he might better fit into this pot. Other vessels are emptied and sat in: boxes of Matchbox cars, sit-atop dumptruck buckets, frisbees, booster seats, magazines, wrapping paper, board game boxes…

Img 0741

I am returning to painting and using Ford’s art supplies when he isn’t looking. Thinking of Hamilton Pool, where we immersed on Sunday when it was 107 degrees outside.

Img 2524

Chas enjoys nesting. He would remove this Plumeria if he could, that he might better fit into this pot. Other vessels are emptied and sat in: boxes of Matchbox cars, sit-atop dumptruck buckets, frisbees, booster seats, magazines, wrapping paper, board game boxes…

Img 0741

I am returning to painting and using Ford’s art supplies when he isn’t looking. Thinking of Hamilton Pool, where we immersed on Sunday when it was 107 degrees outside.

Not only have I re-acclimated myself to the heat, but I have re-acclimated myself to applying gobs and gobs of sunscreen every half-hour.

Img 0330

Img 0284