+++spring in my step+++

pause in play, originally uploaded by young@art.


Springtime means more low tides during the daytime.

Moleskine asked to borrow one of my sketchbooks for the London Book Fair.

I’m starting up a Moleskine exchange for nature artists. (Might you be interested???)

Squeezing fresh lime juice onto a tablespoonful of lavender honey is divine. I recommend this over chocolate, unless it’s that time of the month. After all, it’s nonfat.

The treehouse adventure is so much fun! Chas is asking to do everything up there: read, draw, play games, throw things, sleep, throw things, and throw more things. Which reminds me, I have more photos to upload.

My new camera is BACK from the shop.

Chas says his quiet time is that hour every morning during our jog, when he (you won’t believe this) sits quiet and still in the jogger. No lie. Knock on wood. Plus, if I decline my workout, he throws a screaming fit. So it’s easy to stay in shape around here.

My brother and his wife are expecting baby Logan any day now.

Sleeping with the windows open.Screech owls at midnight.Hummingbirds fighting all during the daylight hours.

It’s now warm enough to surf without a hood and gloves. AND you can see almost to the bottom of the water (No red tide).

The alluring, heady purple hyacinths keep me on the stoop, sipping coffee at sunrise.The amaryllis, narcissus and snowbells are fading, but RED tulips are on their way up in the garden.

Go to the surf shop to buy an emergency beach towel, store owner (I love you Barbara!) sends me to thrift shop two doors down: A fifty year-old scrap quilt for $12.50, during storewide clearance.

Ford is reading and writing! Although he’s more fluent in heiroglyphics (that actually translate) than in English.Favorite new dresses, which I can now wear with sneakers and maybe/maybe not a hoodie.

3 more days at the beach planned this week. The car remains packed, with detritus collecting on the floors: energy bar wrappers, lost wasabi peanuts, tiny toys, mussel shells, sand.Laying out on a weekend morning with the guys, after a run, blues music piping outside from the living room. Warm sunshine on my back. Coconut suntan lotion. Bohemia with salt and lime, scrambled egg whites, avocado chunks and a gimongous dollop of srirachi with chili seeds.

Then another coupla tablespoons of lavender honey and lime juice.

And back to the beach again.We should just live there.

What’s putting Spring in your step?