I finally sit down to write, and the clock tells me it’s midnight. The nerve!
Above are my latest pages for the Moleskine exchange group. We each are sketching wildlife outside in our backyards: Hawaii, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Montana, California. Everyone in the group is a nature nerd and has spent a little time this past month capturing his or her native flora and fauna in the pages of an accordion-fold Moleskine notebook. I’m loving all the entries so far! It’s a great group.
My notebook’s going in tomorrow’s mail on a jet plane to Hawaii! Bon voyage, little thrasher!
Congratulations! Beautiful work! Will we be able to see all the drawings in one place?
Yes! Click on the sidebar button “Moly X” and that will take you there, to the Moleskine Exchange group #9 (nature sketchbooks) that this is a part of. Also, you can click on the International Moleskine Exchange group where a whole bunch of other artists post images of their own exchanges.