It’s kinda lame mom didn’t blog about you on your 6th birthday, huh?

Oh, my beautiful boy. It’s partly because I’m speechless….but mostly because I’m disorganized. You know me.

Let me just say tonight, before I go to bed, that you refused to believe you weren’t six at 7:20 pm when you knew you were. I told you, “But Ford, you weren’t born until 8:11pm, six years ago. We were in the hospital, watching the first episode of Star Trek Enterprise, and just when daddy was getting really comfortable with Jolene Blalock’s tight vulcan silhouette, YOU started being born. And a few minutes later, there you were. Just like that. And with your conehead, you could have been an extra on the show. Your head was really pretty funny looking when you came out.”

“I’m still 6.”

6 hours later, I can say with all my heart that yes, you indeed are. Happy Birthday, Ford!



Hello Fall


Sandwiched between the cooler, softer edges of the fall day:
Intense, hot noons. Snapping cicadas crack
and oak leaves crunch beneath their stomping little boots.
We enjoyed one light rain, which lasted all night,
but that was last week.
I feel it coming.
The yellow jackets feverishly swarm the lunch tables;
black walnuts roll across the driveway;
still-green acorns find their way home in pockets,
caps still attached;
the basil looks tired;
morning glories creep across the breakfast room window;
and for one full day, you discover that the beach hasn’t seen fog.
While the East Coast may be feeling the cool rustle of autumn,
and the hurricane season has begun in the south,
by the subtle rhythm of the fog
and the arrival of new fruits from the garden
we can clearly guess that it’s no longer summer here in northern California.



My name is Stephanie, but you can call me Steph; in fact, I’d like that.

I have two little boys that you’d swear were on meth half the time, but I assure you they aren’t. We save that stuff for ourselves.

I’m married to Damon. We moved one year ago to the fringe of Silicon Valley to work someplace different after enjoying for several years in Austin. We like living here, and I think you’ll get a sense of that when I write, but we dearly miss Austin.

Still, we are busy every day carving out a life here in a gentrified cul de sac off the Silicon Valley rat race. We live on an acre of old orchard in Saratoga, in an old unfenced farmhouse where we can swing and garden and play make lots of noise. When we’re not outside, we’re inside painting, making music, building lego spaceships and tearing the house apart. All at the same time. But I’m the one who paints every day.

I LOVE hearing from you. You are one reason this journal is public! But it’s also because I want to remember these small details and accomplishments that are making this the time of my life.
