February is for Friends, Fondue and Birfdays



Every February, as long as we are in California, Alis and I get together and celebrate our birthdays. Alis was born twelve days after I was, but she is four inches taller, has always backed me up in every corner and rarely ever got into any real trouble so I can’t help but think of her as my older sister. We met as hallmates on the first day of college our freshman year at RISD.


In northern California, winter is wet and cold, and on more than one occasion it’s seemed just right to have a fondue party, which is exactly what we did tonight in Mountain View at Grandpa Charlie’s house (Charlie is Alis’ dad).



Little Rosie, the granddaughter of Charlie’s wife Maddie, was there too, celebrating her third birthday. Happy Birthday, Rosie!


I was responsible for cheese fondue. I have an old book on fondue with a recipe that I adapted to suit my taste (I have really good taste!) Pay attention, because this is delicious:

  • Rub your fondue pot with one clove of halved garlic. Discard the garlic.
  • Shred 1 lb of gruyere cheese into the pot, along with
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 cup of Kirschwassen

Warm over a double-boiler (or over the Sterno) on medium heat until melted. Stir frequently, meanwhile cubing some fresh sourdough loaves or whatever else you might like to dip into the cheese: French bread, carrot slices, tomato wedges, potatoes, steamed broccoli or cauliflower…

Then enjoy. With lots and lots of wine.

…and then maybe a little chocolate fondue, too!


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