From: your friendly public announcer

lookie what I got in my inbox today. I’m going tonight to test legitimacy and because I can’t resist getting out of the house free stuff ::

It appears that many retail chain stores have been gouging on the unsuspecting customers on the prices of cosmetics from a long time. So, they have settled a class action law suite by agreeing to give any customer who walks-in and asks for, a cosmetic item of worth $25.00 just for today. . So, on your way back home, please check if you have the following stores en route – Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdale’s, Dillard’s, Macy’s, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue.

You can pick up any cosmetic item of worth $25.00 by just asking for it.

Just go to the cosmetic counter stand in line sign off on the Class action paperwork and they will give you a gift worth $25.00 just for asking for it. Although it doesn’t sound like you get to pick. If you’re a guy you get guy stuff, if you are a gal you get girlie stuff.

4 Replies to “From: your friendly public announcer”

  1. very interesting! you will let us know what happens, won’t you?

    by the way, i will send you an email soons regarding the juicer stuff. sorry. procrastination is my middle name. actually it’s not, but it should be.

    and thank you so much for your comment. it meant alot to me. i hope you are able to find a yoga class that works for you. there’s also lots of free yoga classes on the internet. yoga today is awesome!

  2. line….too…long…..AGH!

    Hey guess what–I’m going to also try a FLAMENCO class! that oughtta wake my body up some!

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