
gone: upper right incisor!

Ford is one of those firstborn children who considers all the possible outcomes before attempting something new. He isn’t the type of child who just, say, FORDS the stream, full tilt. So when this little front tooth started wiggling, he was in no rush to yank it out like he sees his friends do at recess. Instead, he let it hang there until it was dang ready.

gone: upper right incisor!

Of course, Ford has no problem at all plowing to center stage, and this new gaping gaptooth smile here is his latest prop.

gone: upper right incisor!

But oh! All the wrangling he did to divert food from this tooth for weeks, carefully brushing the poor dead thing until it bore no resistance to the toothbrush. It was getting kind of gross, in the end, dangling there by a thread.

Wait. It’s still kind of gross, really.

“It just came out when I was running! I didn’t do a thing!”
YEAH! SO ready was this tooth that when it finally fell out, there was no blood,

gone: upper right incisor!

just a little gummy middle finger.

gone: upper right incisor!

5 Replies to “Lost!”

  1. yes. sounds familiar. both of jerome’s top inscissors (sp?) are loose. one more so than the other. at every meal he asks me to cut his food into tiny bits so that he can sneak each morsel around those two wobbly front teeth. and like your son, he will wait until they both come out on their own. until they are both hanging by a minute little thread of tissue…just dangling every time he smiles. ahhh the joys.

  2. forgot to mention (because i got so caught up in the gore) love the photos. really great.

    both of my boys are digging them as well.

  3. The tooth thing is really going to test my parenting metal, it gives me the he be ge be z.

    The second to last photo is the perfect mug for my ba propaganda project. Ford’s code name is Dr. Tribe…the crazy doctor from outer space.

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