This one’s for you, Dad!


I hear you’ve been wearing the wool beanie a lot (the first beanie that I ever knit, which wound up being too short, that I nonetheless gave you for Christmas). Well, although it may be very sentimental to you, I insist you try this one that I knit the other night. It’s the perfect neutral Shetland virgin wool, and it’smells so rich with lanolin, you’d think they built the wool from the extract up. It’s soft and I didn’t make ANY mistakes either. It’s so genius. And it’s all YOURS. Enjoy!

7 Replies to “This one’s for you, Dad!”

  1. I can’t wait to get it. The one you gave me for Christmas is really neat, but a little short – just covers the tops of my ears. It still is nice on a cold day and I love it, nonetheless. I used it on my outing this past weekend to Matagorda Bay and Oyster Bay. Saturday morning it rained really heavy and knocked out my hunting – got wet and miserable. Saturday afternoon waas beautiful. I paddled my pirogue out on Oyster Lake looking for redfish to no avail, but the sunset over the bay was splendid – made the long drive worth it. The temperature was pleasant and not much wind – perfect conditions, but no fish (There was a boat tht came in from the other side of the lake that had a nice keeper redfish). I drove over a few miles across the chenier to Mad Island Wildlife Management Area to get in line for Sunday morning. Therewere some college kids in front of me who were having a grand time – they had a big campfire and were singing songs and all. By 10:00 pm the cold wind came in from the north and blew all night long and all day Sunday. The truck was shaking like crazy and the cold wind was seeping in around the door. I was very cold and uncomfortable trying to sleep in the seat, but your little beanie helped to keep me warm enough to get some sleep. Sunday’s sunrise across the chenier was like Saturday’s sunset – spectacular. Managed a snow goose and a teal for all the effort – they will go into mama’s duck stew next weekend. I made some really awesome crane jerky recently and everyone wants some more. I’ll see if I can send some to you guys – I know Ford will love it. Take care, Steph, and thanks again for your beanies.
    Love, Papa

  2. You know, you really should blog. I would read it to the kids and they would enjoy knowing what you’re up to 🙂

  3. I feel like I just listened in on a private conversation. And then left smiling and wondering what in the world crane jerky would taste like…


  4. I tried to start a blog last year but never got past the first entry – too many things going on in my life. I treasure your blog, kiddo.
    LeS – crane jerky tastes great! It’s all in the seasoning and smoking. I just picked up my processed deer and included was about 5 lbs. of venison jerky – really good. The crane jerky is very similar. The breast of Sandhill crane is called the “ribeye of the sky”. Really it is very much like turkey dark meet. The haunches of the crane is full of tendons so it is best in a soup stock (Like turkey stock). Now, the breast of wild geese, particularly snow geese, has a very strong “wild” flavor and not many people like it, so I make great jerky from it or use it in duck/goose stew or gumbo. Enough of my ramblings.

  5. Can I have a beanie too 🙂 I love them! I’m so glad to hear all about your adventures and hope we can visit soon. I’m so happy it’s all falling into place and in such a great way. Your photos are beautiful and just the kind of adventure I’m looking for for Will and Clare. I’d been thinking about the Seattle/Vancouver area, but now realize CA would be great too.

    xo, ME

  6. I’d be happy to make you one, ME! And let’s talk about a visit, too. Have you ever thought of renting an rv and cruising the coast? My dentist did that once with her family and it seems like a good solution with little kids, so they can experience more of the outdoors. Just a thought…. 🙂

  7. Wow! Thank you for the ‘jerky’ response (Steph’s Papa). I am fascinated and now wonder if there will ever be a day that I will try the “ribeye of the sky” 🙂

    And, Steph, let me know if you want to do one of those MV hikes one day. Good luck with the move – tomorrow right?

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