Studio Friday: PLAYTIME: 7 Layer Salad


It’s difficult at first, resisting the urge to keep working, but in order to create a smooth surface texture on encaustic paintings, such as these, you have to wait at least two days for the top layer of wax to cure before you can buff it. And these have been stacked and waiting patiently on my windowsill for a week (which, incidentally, is not the best place to cure an encaustic painting in the middle of summer, but it’s somehow worked so far in my home–at any rate, it’s safer than leaving them on a countertop or table, where the kids can reach them!). Now, all I have to do (if I decide each is finished) is take a chamois and buff the surface smooth. The result is so buttery soft and shiny. I REALLY dig this medium. When I’m finished with thee, I’ll share more pictures….

More Studio Friday.

7 Replies to “Studio Friday: PLAYTIME: 7 Layer Salad”

  1. Wow working with WAX?! This is really awesome and sooooo different than anything I’ve seen! What a unique look it has! I am really interested! Where did you learn about this? Love your style.. really unique and definitely eye catching!
    ~Have a great weekend!!~

  2. Thank you!
    Gabi, I learned about encaustic when I studied pagan art in college. I’ve been hankering to try my hand for a while, and finally found a local class through the Austin Museum of Art. It was SO worth it, because the smell of molten beeswax is intoxicating! (and I should say really IS toxic above ~250 degrees, pretty much 😉

  3. You must be really patient, I worke with wax in collages and honestly, I prefer gel medium. If I make art it has to be done fast compared to the wax technique. I love your artwork thought, the colors are so bright! Hope you have a lot more fun time with encautic!

  4. What I would give to take this class with you!
    I would love to buy a little something from you one of these days. I think I remember you saying that you’ve done commissions before..?

    Hey, we’ll be there in only two weeks! Can’t wait – hope we can stir up a little fun!

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