
Img 3576

I just walked downstairs and caught Ford dipping his grubby little fingers into the cake batter. Notice that he doesn’t look spooked or guilty. He’s not trying to hide a thing.

2 Replies to “Defiance”

  1. great picture. i have often caught my children red-handed and there is no remorse.
    but i have to tell you that when i saw this picture, with the feather in the foreground, i thought, “oh my goodness, he’s got ink in his mouth!”
    i’m relieved that it was just cake batter.

  2. Oh, goodness! No, not ink this time. I was able to use all that countertop clutter to my advantage in sneaking up for a closer shot.
    Speaking of ink in the wrong places,
    It’s only a matter of time before there’s ball point pen on the leather furniture. Better yet: fat Sharpie marker scribbles. If that ever happens, they’d BETTER look guilty!

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