30 days in the treehouse, day 7, cheating

30 days in the treehouse, day 7, cheating, originally uploaded by young@art.

I’m cheating.
There was no treehouse time today.
When I took this picture, the kids were laughing at the tv, behind me, while I was watching the sunshine through bedroom window, through the rain, looking at sparkling drops hanging from the apple tree.
But now I know they both have walking pneumonia, and I’m a little more sober.
It sucks when the little ones are sick.

When I was putting them into the car, on the way to the doctor’s office, , I looked into the trees to follow the “tweeeeeee.” “Tweeeeeeeeee” sounds. The Cedar Waxwings! They’re back again! But they seem so sad now that they holly berries are all gone. The were almost crying in the high boughs of the black walnut, beside the driveway, above the car. I’d have loved to watch them cavort and chat in the holly bush again, like I did a few weeks ago. Sipping tea in the treehouse and oggling the waxwings. How decadent! Another time. Maybe next year. I promise not to use any cuttings next Christmas from that tree.
Gorgeous little bandit-birds.

30 days sit still challenge

4 Replies to “30 days in the treehouse, day 7, cheating”

  1. Sorry the boyos are under the weather…at least the sun is poking through again today, huh? And you look super sunshiney in that cute photo too 🙂

  2. i haven’t been commenting much, but i come here every time you post. you’ve been such an inspiration lady, i love the direction of your words and images. xo

  3. Pingback: Adderall.

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