I Am Not Yet Ready for Christmas

Instead, I am knitting. Clothing is a priority. It’s too hard to fit normal pants over cloth diapers, so I have to knit my own. The solution: Little Turtle Knits pants. Noro Kureyon. He seems to like them. These won me kudos from our local knitting shop, where we left only minutes before taking this picture. Not before buying another 3 skeins of yarn for: another pair of pants.

Now, back to procrastination.
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Show and Tell

Knitted Little Turtle Knits soaker, Araucania Natural wool, happy model. Knitting is therapeutic and addictive. Like running, once it becomes routine it’s hard to miss a day. Then, just as easily, it’s possible to quit without looking back. I dropped the needles in May of last year and I’ll probably do the same this year. I think it has seasonal appeal, to me.
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Sunday Tapestry

Santa’s elf has set up her workshop upstairs:
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…and is ready to open the gimongous $3 bag of vintage fabric:
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While Santa snoozes outside:
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