Tie One On

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Trippy, huh? Bright red is a hard color for me to photograph. All the iPhoto tools in the world can’t help this out. I’d take a better picture than this silly one if I hadn’t already given this to my mom. It’s her Holiday Celebapron. More here.

Oh, well. Who am I kidding, anyway?

I don’t pretend this is a craft blog, but to mark my time on this planet I have to log the hours I spent making these little wee people into the wee hours preceding Christmas. Behold, Ivy Elizabeth Walker, cloaked in the safe color of mustard and in the forbidden woods with her bag of magic rocks! (Reference to the movie “The Village”)
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And here are a grandmother and her grandchildren, open for interpretation; I’ve been using them to play Hansel and Grethel:
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And lastly, Grandma fairy, made in the likeness of my mother-in-law (and who she forgot to take back home with her):
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Gnomey hat

Ford doesn’t want to wear this adorable hat made in Noro Kureyon chunky, a pattern from Hello Yarn. It was so easy and quick to knit that I’m going to make more. The pom poms seemed excessive, especially for a boy. Maybe a braided tassle might be fun?
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