There’s an open door before you
Shed last year’s skin before you go
A gift, upon the hearth below
Postcards, from a swap that Christina organized.
There’s an open door before you
Shed last year’s skin before you go
A gift, upon the hearth below
Postcards, from a swap that Christina organized.
I enjoyed making this doll for Chas, who was referring to it as “Dee Dee” before dismissing it to the floor and moving on to deconstructing an old Blackberry device. Ford has since grown attached to it. I myself have been carrying it around the house also, and when I’m least aware I find myself twirling the little cap between my fingers and daydreaming about making more for the new babies in 2006 (what do you think, Elisa? A sophisticated pink velour for Claire? 🙂
If you ask Ford what he wants to be when he grows up, these days he will enthusiastically tell you that he wants to be “a daddy.” If you could see him escorting Chas through the line at the burrito shop, or sharing his cereal with him in the back seat of the car, or hear him translate Chas’ babble when I’m most desperately trying to understand what he’s saying, his choice would make perfect sense. Ford is very sensitive to human expressions and needs, and he loves to help and to understand how people work. I think he’ll be an outstanding dad someday. If I could only get him to remember to feed the Betta. Too late! Bird died yesterday, but it wasn’t starvation. I was tending to that. He had some sort of growth that prompted me to warn Ford (yesterday! whew) that the fish may not live the rest of the week. Bye, Bird. Thanks for contributing 4 months of exotic flare to our dining room, and for freaking out about the Le Creuset Flameware (it was just a pot!) We will miss you.